Come and be known.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Welcome to the Hickory Student Ministry! We are redefining what student ministry looks like by creating more than a fun place to hang out. We are building a ministry that helps students ask questions and make discoveries about the God who created them, who loves them and who is calling them to greater things!
Sunday School
8:45-9:45 am

What to Expect
Kid's Sunday School is comprised of group Worship Skills time in the Choir Room and Lesson/Interactive Activity time in their assigned rooms.
- Our Children's Sunday School rooms (Preschool-5th grade) are located on the second floor and are marked by grade levels.
- Middle school & High school students (6th-12th grade) meet in the Youth Room
Kid's Sunday School is comprised of group Worship Skills time in the Choir Room and Lesson/Interactive Activity time in their assigned rooms.
Sunday School Secure Check-In & Check-Out
A parent/guardian must sign-in each student for Sunday School. Check-in & Pick-up/Check-out is in each student's assigned classroom. If you have any questions, contact our office at
A parent/guardian must sign-in each student for Sunday School. Check-in & Pick-up/Check-out is in each student's assigned classroom. If you have any questions, contact our office at
What's KidVenture?
KidVenture is a free to attend, high energy, weekly program that meets kids where they are and helps them get closer to Jesus. We provide an environment that is safe, engaging and welcoming. Scripture, Snacks, Games, & Fellowship Fun! Think: A little slice of VBS every single week. Geared toward the Kinder-5th grade age group, we help kids develop an authentic faith by inciting wonder about our Great big God.
KidVenture Schedule: Fall/Spring/Summer Sessions
Spring Session Starts March 4, 2025 | 5:30-7:00 pm
Hickory United EPC Youth Room/Covenant Center
KidVenture Drop-off
Parents & guardians are encouraged to drop-off at the gym double doors to the right of the main entrance. You are also welcome to park and accompany your child inside.
KidVenture is a free to attend, high energy, weekly program that meets kids where they are and helps them get closer to Jesus. We provide an environment that is safe, engaging and welcoming. Scripture, Snacks, Games, & Fellowship Fun! Think: A little slice of VBS every single week. Geared toward the Kinder-5th grade age group, we help kids develop an authentic faith by inciting wonder about our Great big God.
KidVenture Schedule: Fall/Spring/Summer Sessions
Spring Session Starts March 4, 2025 | 5:30-7:00 pm
Hickory United EPC Youth Room/Covenant Center
KidVenture Drop-off
Parents & guardians are encouraged to drop-off at the gym double doors to the right of the main entrance. You are also welcome to park and accompany your child inside.

see you this spring!
VBS 2025 is coming!


Save The Date! Lock-in & Pancake fundraiser
Harvest Students are invited to our Glow in the dark themed Lock-In! Join us for glow dodgeball, dance party and dinner!
The next morning's Sunday School hour will be spent prepping batter, eggs, bacon, and fruit to serve the congregation at the Discipleship Pancake fundraiser @ 11:15 am in Covenant Center immediately following 10:00 am Sunday service.
May 17 @ 5:00 pm - May 18 @ 1:00 pm
The Pancake Fundraiser will take the place of our monthly Food & Fellowship meal. Instead of congregants bringing a dish to pass, Youth will prep and serve a pancake breakfast to attendees for a suggested donation. All funds raised will benefit the Christian Youth Development Fund.
The next morning's Sunday School hour will be spent prepping batter, eggs, bacon, and fruit to serve the congregation at the Discipleship Pancake fundraiser @ 11:15 am in Covenant Center immediately following 10:00 am Sunday service.
May 17 @ 5:00 pm - May 18 @ 1:00 pm
The Pancake Fundraiser will take the place of our monthly Food & Fellowship meal. Instead of congregants bringing a dish to pass, Youth will prep and serve a pancake breakfast to attendees for a suggested donation. All funds raised will benefit the Christian Youth Development Fund.
Michaela Walker, Youth Director
724-356-4424 (ext. 103)
Office Hours:
T/W 9am -12pm
T/TH 5-8 pm by appointment
Michaela Walker, Youth Director
724-356-4424 (ext. 103)
Office Hours:
T/W 9am -12pm
T/TH 5-8 pm by appointment
Staff and Volunteers Child Abuse & Criminal History Clearances
Anyone over 18-years-old that is working with children at is required to submit up-to-date Child Abuse and Criminal History clearances. Volunteers are asked to fill out an application each year. If you'd like to volunteer with our kids and don't already have your clearances, please contact the office.
Anyone over 18-years-old that is working with children at is required to submit up-to-date Child Abuse and Criminal History clearances. Volunteers are asked to fill out an application each year. If you'd like to volunteer with our kids and don't already have your clearances, please contact the office.